Christian World View links for Sonday 2021-02-28:

Read this BEFORE concerting to Islam Video(19:55):

This will happen to all of us?:
IMO a great witnessing video

The 3 Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus (Video 51:16):

Testimony of a Nobel prize winning Jew (Video 7:23):
Great for witnessing to Jews

Should Bonnie Henry have the power of a Pope?:
I encourage you all to support the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms at this time of increasing government tyranny.  Marie and I both do.

One church pastor speaking truth (Video: 16:44):
One pastor who is NOT violating Hebrews 10:25.

btw, please feel free to let me know what you think about any of these issues.
I have read, viewed, or listened to all the links myself but I assume you may only be interested in some of these.

Have a great SONday!

Some say the pen is mightier than the sword.  Might I suggest E-mail is mightier than the pen?
Good news and Bad news?   A sign of the times?   My Faith

Have a great day