Christian World View links for Sonday 2022-12-04 eMailed to you on the first Sonday of each month.

Parental rights:

A courageous pastor speaks out at City Council against the promotion of evil (Video: 2:30 )

One Christian's response to the US 2022 Midterm elections (Video: 5:45)

Gender dysphoria

John Piper and John MacArthur - A sober warning? (Video: 17:48)

Street Preacher David Lynn (Video: 36:54)

Jesus' reign will NOT be a democracy. Some dangers of a democracy:

btw, please feel free to let me know what you think about any of these issues.
I have read, viewed, or listened to all the links myself but I assume you may only be interested in some of these.

Have a great SONday!

PS. I am trying to get away from using Youtube due to all of its censoring.
So I will link to alternate video sites if possible, but it turns out Rumble's policy is WORSE than Youtube's.

PAST Christian World View links

"The primary method by which governments increase their control is by creating fear." Charles Eisenstein
Good news and Bad news?   A sign of the times?   My Faith

Have a great day