Allegheny, Pennsylvania in early 1870's. Shows possible danger of home bible study. Known as Bible Students. RFTS Page 203.
Founder and first leader. Channel/Instrument of God. Read WTF page 53 and WT, March 1, 1923 page 68. repudiating him meant repudiating the Lord. Read WTF page 37 and WT May 1, 1922, page 132.
RFTS page 203. According to Matthew 16:18 the Gates of hades/hell will not prevail against the church. This of course implies there was a time when the "gates of hades/hell" did prevail against the Church.
The Battle of Armageddon, Studies in the Scriptures, Series IV, 1897, page 621 and WT Sept 15, 1922, page 278. WT Jan. 1, 1924, page 5.
When Jesus didn't show, it was stated return was invisible, to head up the WTBTS.
Took over on Jan. 6, 1917. Died on Jan. 8, 1942. Claimed "mouth piece of Jehovah" for this age. (Why Serve Jehovah. page 62). He had complete control of what went into their magazines.
Judge Rutherford purchased a mansion in San Diego, called Beth Sarim. Read Beth-Sarim tract.
Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, Pages 125-126.1
So they had to come up with a way to accept more members.
Elected June 11, 1977. Died December 22, 1992 at the age of 99.
A governing board, now has all final say