Unlike Col. 1:16-20 this verse has not YET been 'OTHERed'. John 1:1 'In the beginning was the word..' (not in the beginning the word was created).
Some JW's use this verse as proof of principle of exception, since we call our earthly fathers, father. Ask JW: does this exception principle apply to 'You shall not steal' & 'You shall not commit adultery' if they try this "exception" on you.
Read from NIV. Why would Jehovah tell angels to worship another angel? They have changed worship to "obesience" in NWT.
If this is not the case, then since Christ is power of God and wisdom of God, this would imply a time when God did not have power and wisdom (if Jesus were in fact created).
JW proof text. KJV: "possessed me". NWT: "produced me". NAS: "possessed me". NIV: "brought me forth". Imply Jesus is personified as wisdom. Refute with 1 Corinthians 1:24 . In context of Proverbs 8 what verse implies wisdom was Jesus?
Read from NIV, NAS, and NWT. Note change of 'of' to 'by'. beginning - Greek (arche) means origin or source. In 1950 NWT, John 1:1 using same Greek word (arche) was translated by them as Originally (instead of 'In the beginning')
Read: Isaiah 43:10 and Isaiah 44:6,8. Jehovah knows nothing of this 'a god'. They have a contradiction in their NWT between these verses and John 1:1 if 'a god' is the correct translation.