The bodily Resurrection
Why is it important to believe in the bodily resurrection? Read 1 Corinthians 15:14-23
To remember this reference: John 3:16 (3-1,16+1). Ask: does WTBTS teach Jesus was resurrected as a spirit creature and that his body was not resurrected? They should answer yes. If they don't, ask them to turn to RFTS page 217 section "Does Jesus have his fleshly body in heaven?"
Ask JW to read this reference. Their NWT is OK here. Make sure they admit it was Jesus speaking. Then ask follow up question.
Say: this "puzzles" me. What temple did Jesus say would be raised in three days? Have them answer this question and tell you what puzzles you or have then reread text.
Does John 2:18-22 state that Jesus would raise his own body? If so, Jesus had a physical body after being raised. Who did the raising in John 2:18-22? Who did the raising in 1 Thess. 1:10? God, the father. Ask JW to explain how this is not a contradiction.
To remember the bible reference: go back one page from beginning of John (and look for doubting Thomas story). Have JW read this. The NWT is OK here.
As quoted in NWT. Why would Jesus deceive them with a body if he had none? They teach he materialized one for them so they would believe he was resurrected. Jesus said "See my hands and my feet..".
Flesh & Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Ask JW to read Luke 24:39. Ask where does it say flesh and blood? It mentions flesh and bones! Not blood! Flesh and blood is a figure of speach for the natural man. See Matthew 16:13-17(KJV), Ephesians 6:12, Galations 1:16(KJV).
What does Acts 2:32 say? God. What did Jesus say in John 2:18-22? He raised his own body. How can this not be a contradiction?
Read in KJV, NIV, and NWT. Does "but being made alive in the spirit"(NWT) mean raised 'a spirit'? Read Ephesians 6:18. When you pray are you a spirit?
Was this written before or after Jesus' resurrection? After. What tense is "there is"? Present. So after the resurrection Jesus was a man? Does a man have a body? NWT is OK for this verse.
Read WTF page 106-107 (You can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, 1982 , page 143-144)
Can Christ never take his body back as JW's claim since he gave his body as a ransom?
Using JW reasoning, since he gave his life as a ransom, he could also not take his life back. Thus Jesus must still be dead.
Says he lays down his life and takes it back again. NWT uses word soul, but remember that to JW's soul means life.
They teach he appeared as a gardener to Mary to prove he materialized a body. (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2. pages 127-128). Bible shows it was Mary's mistaken belief that Jesus was a gardener. John 20:15 .