Christian World View links for Sonday 2024-03-03 eMailed to you on the first Sonday of every 2nd month.

What do you think? Does he have the gift of Evangelism?

Demonic encounters?

Will John Lennox lead Jordan Peterson out of [his pschological] Egypt?

Evangelicals for Israel?

The 'Innocent Palestinian' Narrative? Nazi evil with reservations vs Islamic evil with glee?

Christians, You MUST Know This About Trump and Biden

The gospel community of a healthy church?

Canada, The Church burning nation

PAST Christian World View links

btw, please feel free to let me know what you think about any of these issues.
I have read, viewed, or listened to all the links myself but I assume you may only be interested in some of these.

If you like a particular link PLEASE forward it to others so they can also learn about this

Have a great SONday!

PAST Christian World View links

"The primary method by which governments increase their control is by creating fear." Charles Eisenstein
Good news and Bad news?   A sign of the times?   My Faith

Have a great day