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Note 3

I cycled about 65 KM from Hope (42meters or 138 feet) to Alison pass (1342 meters or 4403 feet).   There was an elevation difference of 4267 feet.  Then a guessitmated drop of 1000 feet and up to Sunday Summit (1282 meters or 4206 feet).   This resulted in an elevation difference of about 1000 feet.  One more hill with a difference of about 500 feet giving a total climbing height of about 5700 feet.  I used the value from my cousin's accumulating altimeter for the elevation increase instead.   This was my toughest ride since I have been cycling.  I stopped at the Dairy Queen in Princeton and forgot to put my odometer back on for a short (about 2 KM) cycle to Princeton RV Campground further east of Princeton.

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