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B.C. Flag     Tour de Farce 2002     Canadian Flag

Note 10

I cycled over Crowsnest pass, 1382m (4534 feet), to Chain Lakes RV park on Highway 22 in Alberta.  Sparwood is at an elevation of 1140 meters (3740 feet) resulting in a minumum elevation gain of 794 feet.  I started late, about 6:00 am, from Sparwood due to a thunder storm.  When I reached the town of Crowsnest, I was caught in a cold down pour and hail.  I stopped at a Subway which just happened to be there.  Then at about 100 KM into the ride, with about the last 50 KM of a cold head wind, a very heavy squall arrived just as my wife came by in the van.  So I hopped into the van and got a chance to sit this one out.  This ride was a lot harder than I expected.  Numerous rolling hills and the weather conditions slowed me down a lot.

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