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Note 1

The elevation gain is the minimum on paper calculation from lowest to highest point.   No dips are included.

I Cycled from Mill Bay to work at 4000 Seymour Victoria, then put in full day of work, and then cycled to Swartz Bay.  I took the ferry to Tzswassen.   I cycled to Sardis via highway 10, right onto Fraser Highway, down Highway 401 to Lickman Rd, left onto Lukakuck Rd to Wendy's in Sardis.   Substantial Hills: Malahat of 1150 feet, one from Delta to Surrey, one from Cloverdale to Langley, one just east of Langley.

Split Stats: from home to work at 4000 Seymour Place, Victoria:
Time: 1:15:46 Distance: 39.12 Average: 30.1 KM/hr Maximum: 66.2 KM/hr

to Swartz Bay:
Time: 2:07:12 Distance: 67:03 KM Average: 31.6 KM/hr.
When cyclng from Tzswassen to Chilliwack I had strong easterly winds for 20 to 30 KM causing my low average KM/hr.

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