!Dec 33, Hex 21
"Dec 34, Hex 22
&Dec 38, Hex 26
'Dec 39, Hex 27
(Dec 40, Hex 28
)Dec 41, Hex 29
*Dec 42, Hex 2A
+Dec 43, Hex 2B
,Dec 44, Hex 2C
-Dec 45, Hex 2D
.Dec 46, Hex 2E
/Dec 47, Hex 2F
0Dec 48, Hex 30
1Dec 49, Hex 31
2Dec 50, Hex 32
3Dec 51, Hex 33
4Dec 52, Hex 34
5Dec 53, Hex 35
6Dec 54, Hex 36
7Dec 55, Hex 37
8Dec 56, Hex 38
9Dec 57, Hex 39
ADec 65, Hex 41
BDec 66, Hex 42
CDec 67, Hex 43
DDec 68, Hex 44
EDec 69, Hex 45
FDec 70, Hex 46
GDec 71, Hex 47
HDec 72, Hex 48
IDec 73, Hex 49
JDec 74, Hex 4A
KDec 75, Hex 4B
LDec 76, Hex 4C
MDec 77, Hex 4D
NDec 78, Hex 4E
ODec 79, Hex 4F
PDec 80, Hex 50
QDec 81, Hex 51
RDec 82, Hex 52
SDec 83, Hex 53
TDec 84, Hex 54
UDec 85, Hex 55
VDec 86, Hex 56
WDec 87, Hex 57
XDec 88, Hex 58
YDec 89, Hex 59
ZDec 90, Hex 5A
aDec 97, Hex 61
bDec 98, Hex 62
cDec 99, Hex 63
dDec 100, Hex 64
eDec 101, Hex 65
fDec 102, Hex 66
gDec 103, Hex 67
hDec 104, Hex 68
iDec 105, Hex 69
jDec 106, Hex 6A
kDec 107, Hex 6B
lDec 108, Hex 6C
mDec 109, Hex 6D
nDec 110, Hex 6E
oDec 111, Hex 6F
pDec 112, Hex 70
qDec 113, Hex 71
rDec 114, Hex 72
sDec 115, Hex 73
tDec 116, Hex 74
uDec 117, Hex 75
vDec 118, Hex 76
wDec 119, Hex 77
xDec 120, Hex 78
yDec 121, Hex 79
zDec 122, Hex 7A
To view the decimal or hexidecimal value of the character, move your mouse
pointer or tab key to position to a character.
Large Example
m c n
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