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Services: Everyone is welcome to BOTH services.

Grave side in Ladysmith at the City cemetery.  August 25th, 10:30 AM
Ladysmith Cemetery when coming from Nanaimo:
Drive south towards Ladysmith on Highway 1.  Turn right off highway onto Grouhel Road.
Turn left onto Christie Road.  Continue to 4th Avenue.
You may park at the corner on Christie Road or turn right at 4th Ave and park there.
For visual directions see this map.

Ladysmith Cemetery when coming from Victoria:
Drive north to Ladysmith (Max. 2 hours from Victoria).
Turn left off Highway 1 at Buller Street.  Drive up hill to 4th Avenue.
Turn right and drive to Christie Road.
You may park on 4th Ave at Christie Road or turn right at Christie Road and park there.
For visual directions see this map.

Memorial service at Central Baptist Church in downtown Victoria.  August 25th, 2:00 PM
833 Pandora Avenue
Free underground parking at church

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