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  Tool Tips  

What is a tooltip?  Move your mouse over white highlighted text and find out.

Here is a standard default example set by using the title attribute from a span element

Here is a formated tooltipA Tooltip is any additional text that appears in a small box when you move the mouse over some special text.  This is usually done by default for elements which use the title or alt attribute.   This example uses a dummy hypertext link. which uses Cascading Style Sheets with a dummy anchor tag instead of the title or alt attribute.

This idea was copied from here This is a clever way to get dynamic effects on an html page without using javascript.  This example uses an actual hypertext link. and uses an actual anchor tag.

Here is a formated tooltip of a picture of some old geezers which uses Cascading Style Sheets with a real link to the full sized picture without using a title or alt attribute.

The above two examples may be used instead of using the alt or title attribute of an element.  They are also links to other web pages.

This web page was designed to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and looks best in a CSS aware browser, which, unfortunately, yours is not.  However, the web page text should still be readable.

This web page is compliant with the W3C 'Strict' XHTML 1.0 DTD(Document Type Definition)! The Cascading Style Sheets used by this web page have been validated!